RESILIENCE: From Killing Fields to Boardroom The S.A.L.T Effect
Dr. Rahim, a genocide survivor and refugee of the Khmer Rouge Killing Fields of Cambodia, developed the S.AL.T. model of Surviving, Adapting, Loving and Transforming as a means of helping him overcome the struggles of his youth, including prejudice, abuse, childhood violence, and dyslexia.
Sharing candidly from the dramatic, and sometimes heartbreaking details, Emad reveals how the leadership principles of S.A.L.T. helped him develop the courage, determination and perseverance that led to his becoming a multi-credentialed, highly-sought-after academic executive, educator, award-winning author, mentor, and his greatest joy, husband and father.
Book Review:
"Refugee praises the indomitable power of the human spirit" - Post Standard
"Resilience: Rahim’s Story Seeks to Empower Others" - Bellevue Alumni Blog
HIHE Class Notes: Spring 2017, "MLE 2015 Class Notes" - Harvard University
"Good Reads" review by Layla Abdullah-Poulos | Featured in "Khmerican"
In Times Like These, podcast series: Topic of "Resilience & Love"

"Dr. Rahim brings a systematic approach to developing resilient leaders that will be used in leadership development classes across the country. If you want to become a thought leader that stands the test of time, the S.A.L.T principals in this book will help you do just that." - Arel Moodie, Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Host of the top iTunes podcast, The Art of Likability
"Emad has not been afraid of change, holding a variety of leadership roles in business, nonprofit and higher education over the years. Perhaps his fearlessness started as an infant, when his family escaped from a concentration camp. A great story of overcoming adversity." - Stan Linhorst, Journalistand Director of Special Projects at Syracuse Media Group
"Emad started life on a concentration camp, where he witnessed countless murders, including most of his family, before he, his mother, and remaining sister escaped by foot to Thailand. He is the epitome of a survivor; fighting his way to the U.S., through gangs and ghettos of NewYork, through dyslexia to earn his doctorate, and ending as an award-winningentrepreneur and educator. Truly a powerful inspiring story. His memoir is amust read for all ages." - Steve Mariotti, Huffington Post Contributor and Founderof Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), Author of An Entrepreneur's Manifesto
"For an introduction to Dr. Emad Rahim I'm not sure where to start - the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the dangers of growing up in Brooklyn, abusive step-father and dyslexia to name a few. Then on to the good times - overcoming the past, surpassing the learning difficulties that came with dyslexia, becoming a Doctorate and now a mentor himself. I dare you to read this book and not feel inspired." - Sian Phillips, Managing Editor of TweakYourBiz.com and Content Editor on EggMarketingPR.com