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Resilience: Dr. Emad Rahim’s Survival Story 


Editor-in-Chief, Emad Rahim’s story is that of survival against incredible odds. He had to overcome numerous challenges to achieve the success he is enjoying today. Emad Rahim was born in a concentration camp in the killing fields of Cambodia. On the day when he was born, his father was being tortured. Rahim’s father was later executed. His older brother died of starvation and illness. He is the last of his father’s bloodline....Read More:



Huffington Post By Steve Mariotti, Emad started life on a concentration camp, where he witnessed countless murders, including most of his family, before he, his mother escaped by foot to Thailand. He is the epitome of a survivor; fighting his way to the U.S., through gangs and ghettos of NY, through dyslexia to earn his doctorate, and ending as an award-winning entrepreneur and educator.....Read More: 



TweakYourBiz #TYBspotlight By Sian Phillips, Editor and Co-Founder | or an introduction to Dr. Emad Rahim I’m not sure where to start - the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the dangers of growing up in Brooklyn, abusive step-father and dyslexia to name a few. Overcoming the past, surpassing the learning difficulties that came with dyslexia, becoming a Doctorate and now a mentor himself.....Read More: 



Forbes School of Business By  Bill Davis, Business Professor | I recently had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Emad Rahim, a genocide survivor with an amazing story about motivation. Between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge killed an estimated 1.7 million people in Cambodia. As a young boy, Rahim was there to witness the atrocities. Along with his mother and sister, he escaped to Thailand, then eventually to the United States..... Read More: 

THE INSPIRING STORY OF EMAD RAHIM: THE FUTURE OF BUSINESS EDUCATION By Dinis Guarda, CEO and Founder | There are lack of words to introduce and explain Emad Rahim, because it is his life that speaks by itself. Emad Rahim is a professor, a dynamic educator and an outstanding business leader. His incredible journey began as a survivor of the Fields of Cambodia, that moved as a political refugee to New York......Read More | (Part #1) | (Part #2) 

Innovation in Online Education with Emad Rahim


CEO Magazine by Alexandra Skinner, Dr. Emad Rahim, University Dean of Business at Colorado Technical University discusses trends in online education and describes the uniqueness of his MBA program and LMS platform. The CTU MBA is offered in both on-campus and online formats and is designed for working adults who are looking to advance their career or make a career change. The main objective of CTU’s MBA programme is to train, equip and prepare business leaders for the global economy....Read More:

A Story of Purpose and Pure Determination


Loop21 by Dr. Darrell Williams | CEO and Founder, Even though he’s only 35 years old, Emad Rahim's list of accomplishments resembles someone twice his age. He served as a former University Dean of a business school, Director of an entrepreneurship program at a State college, Executive Director and President of several nonprofit agencies, held professorship appointments at several prestigious schools and co-founded several startup firms and community organizations....Read More |

A Discussion with Scholar Prof. Emad Rahim 


Berkeley Center of Georgetown University by Nava Friedman, He was born in the killing fields of Cambodia, and was brought to America by his mother. Raised in the poorest neighborhoods of Brooklyn and Upstate New York, he faced economic hardship, abuse, and a learning disability, eventually overcoming these hurdles to convert to Islam and become an entrepreneur. The shadow of the Cambodian genocide loomed large over Rahim’s upbringing, and he discovered only as a teenager that his birth father had been killed by the Khmer Rouge. Despite academic difficulties, Rahim eventually went on to work as a social worker, earn a doctorate, and start a consulting firm for non-profits and small businesses....Read More:

An inspiring journey to leadership that began in the killing fields of Cambodia


Syracuse Post Standard by Stan Linhorst, Emad Rahim has not been afraid of change, holding a variety of leadership roles in business and higher education over the years. Perhaps his fearlessness started as an infant, when he escaped from a concentration camp. Syracuse Stage's 2008 production of "Tales From the Salt City" by Ping Chong told part of Rahim's story. As a teen, he might have seemed destined for a grim life on the streets. Instead, adults in Syracuse gave him a hand. Rahim became an author, a Fulbright Scholar, earned a doctorate from Colorado Tech, served as a college dean, works for the Jack Welch Management Institute, teaches at Morrisville State College and other colleges, and consults with think tanks.....Read More:


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